South America's largest Microsoft Technology Forum
From 29 September to 1 October Montevideo will host the Microsoft .NET Conf UY v2016 technology meeting.
The professionalization of testing in software improvement
Worldwide, the demand for software testers has skyrocketed.
Government promotes labour regulation and supports draft Telework Law
After meeting with Cuti authorities, the Minister of Labour, Ernesto Murro, assured that the Telework Law is a project in which the government is very interested.
Government supports technology training project
CUTI plans to use US$ 4 million from Inefop to train 4000 people in 4 years.
Three Uruguayans among the most innovative, according to MIT
Gurucargo, GenLives y Oincs forman parte de la lista de 10 emprendimientos «que podrían revolucionar el mundo»
GX26: Software industry experts to meet in Montevideo to meet digital transformation
The 26th edition of the GeneXus Meeting will bring together in the Uruguayan capital personalities from different fields from more than 20 countries to discuss the latest trends in technology.
ICTs in Uruguay today
The sector's performance is a model advance against the primarisation, foreignisation and inequality of our economy.
Spotlike venture supported by Cuti and Grupo Radar presents study on Uruguayan internet users
According to a study conducted by Spotlike and Grupo Radar, the consumption of online films or series is growing daily among Uruguayans. 96% of Uruguayan internet users frequently watch online videos.
More video game students
The number of young people seeking careers in this industry has increased.
Technology, market and employment
"20,000 workers available for technology is not enough for this market," said Martin Cabrera, managing partner of technology at Moove-it.
Anii launches a support fund to popularize science and technology
Beneficiaries will receive non-refundable financial contributions in Uruguayan pesos.
Industrial Fund earmarks $30 million for SME projects
The selected projects may receive up to U$S 100,000 dollars in non-refundable funds, and up to 80% of the total amount. The Industrial Fund, under the Ministry, will grant a maximum of 30 million pesos.